Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Ester Homologous Series : p(p'-n-Alkoxy Benzoyloxy) β-Phenyl - Ethyl Cinnamates


  • Pandya Shilpa N  Research Scholar, Pacific Academy of Higher Education And Research University , Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Chauhan M. L  Chemistry Department Sheth P. T. Arts & Science College, Godhra, Gujarat University, Gujarat, India


Liquid Crystal, Mesogen, Mesomorphism, Nematic, Smectic


A novel homologous series p(p’-n-Alkoxy Benzoyloxy) β-Phenyl Ethyl Cinnamates is synthesized and studied with a view to understanding and establishing the effects of molecular structure on mesogenic behavior in a series. The mesogenic property commences from third homologue to the last homologue. The transition temperatures of the series are relatively high,  ranging between 152 ?C and  225?C. The mesogenic range varies  between 8 ?C (C16) and 37?C    (C6). The novel ester series is nematogenic without exhibition of any smectogenic property and an average thermal stability of 167.6 ?C. The mesogenic behavior of the novel series is compared with structurally similar isomeric/non isomeric other known series.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Pandya Shilpa N, Chauhan M. L, " Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Ester Homologous Series : p(p'-n-Alkoxy Benzoyloxy) β-Phenyl - Ethyl Cinnamates, International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry(IJSRCH), ISSN : 2456-8457, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp.11-18, July-August-2018.