Microbiological Quality of Sheep's Milk from The Area of Vlasic - Travnik as An Ingredient of Travnik Cheese


  • Jasmin Sefer Vlasic Produkt, P.O. Travnik, Seferi bb, 72 270 Travnik Author
  • Selma Kunic JU Veterinary institute of Tuzla Canton, II Tuzla brigade 28, 75 000 Tuzla Author
  • Amir Zenunovic Faculty of Technology, Tuzla university, Urfeta Vejzagica 8, 75 000 Tuzla Author
  • Sajma Huremovic JU Veterinary institute of Tuzla Canton, II Tuzla brigade 28, 75 000 Tuzla Author
  • Manuela Suljetovic JU Veterinary institute of Tuzla Canton, II Tuzla brigade 28, 75 000 Tuzla Author




Sheep’s Milk, Travnik Sheese, Microbiology


The aim of the research is to assess the microbiological correctness and quality of sheep's milk, which is primarily used as a raw material for the production of Travnik - Vlasic cheese, and originates from the Vlasic - Travnik area, with an emphasis on assessing its compliance with the requirements of the current legislation for raw milk.

In general, Travnik - Vlasic cheese is produced, according to the original technology, from unpasteurized milk, and therefore the purity of the raw material is extremely important.

The samples were collected during the first months of lactation, March and April 2023, from 8 primary producers from the Vlasic - Travnik area, and were analyzed for the total number of bacteria and all samples meet the criteria of the regulations.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Microbiological Quality of Sheep’s Milk from The Area of Vlasic - Travnik as An Ingredient of Travnik Cheese. (2024). International Journal of Scientific Research in Chemistry, 9(5), 01-07. https://doi.org/10.32628/IJSRCH24951

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